On we go to the 2nd Meditation where the challenge is to make smooth, efficient transitions between chords. The fingering is important.
Please practice the transitions slowly, without even strumming, just moving back and forth between 2 chords until your fingers begin to know what to do.
When moving to the F and Em, and G chords it is important to place your finger on the string that you will play first: with the F chords place the finger on the G string (A note). With the Em chords, place the ring finger on the C string first (E note), and with the G chord place the first finger on the C string first (D note). The let the other fingers fall into place.
On the first two chords Cmaj7 and Cmaj9, be sure to slide up on the A string with your first finger to the 5th fret.
Chords and Theory:
We learned another way to play the major scale up the neck. This scale works starting on the C string and ending up on the E string (does not work on E and A strings)
We talked about how the circle of 5ths works (attached is a page with some explanation) and specifically worked on playing the I, IV, V chords with 3 closed chord shapes. In fact, there are only 3 major chord shapes.
As with the meditations, work to teach these shapes to your fingers. Move slowly and efficiently from one shape to another. It is really good practice to work on these shape without pressing or strumming to begin with.
For this week after working on your meditation, and after working on the shapes, try playing some songs using the 3 chords shapes for the I, IV and V chords.
As always, go slowly. these shapes take time to learn.
IMPORTANT: Remember to breathe !
Please practice the transitions slowly, without even strumming, just moving back and forth between 2 chords until your fingers begin to know what to do.
When moving to the F and Em, and G chords it is important to place your finger on the string that you will play first: with the F chords place the finger on the G string (A note). With the Em chords, place the ring finger on the C string first (E note), and with the G chord place the first finger on the C string first (D note). The let the other fingers fall into place.
On the first two chords Cmaj7 and Cmaj9, be sure to slide up on the A string with your first finger to the 5th fret.
Chords and Theory:
We learned another way to play the major scale up the neck. This scale works starting on the C string and ending up on the E string (does not work on E and A strings)
We talked about how the circle of 5ths works (attached is a page with some explanation) and specifically worked on playing the I, IV, V chords with 3 closed chord shapes. In fact, there are only 3 major chord shapes.
As with the meditations, work to teach these shapes to your fingers. Move slowly and efficiently from one shape to another. It is really good practice to work on these shape without pressing or strumming to begin with.
For this week after working on your meditation, and after working on the shapes, try playing some songs using the 3 chords shapes for the I, IV and V chords.
As always, go slowly. these shapes take time to learn.
IMPORTANT: Remember to breathe !

major_scale_notes.pdf |

closed_i_iv_v_chords.pdf |

circle_of_5ths_explained.pdf |