Please continue practicing Bella Bocca Polka for next week. Also Las Chaparreras (use your recording for the rhythm). I was pretty impressed with how well you got it yesterday.
Read over page 36 about intervals, try practicing naming the intervals on page 37.
Now.... work on the notes in While Strolling Through the Park and the chords. Then the triplet strum that we use in measures 12 and 16. I have put a couple of videos on the resources page that will help to learn it. Also, there are lots of sharps and flats in this song. They make it interesting but you may need to focus on working certain parts to get them (and listen to the recording). Remember that the song is in the Key of G, when makes all F's sharp, unless they are marked otherwise.
Just like using a flat pick, learning the triplet strum will help you with every other part of your ukulele playing. Using your fingers and hands, developing dexterity, co-ordination and fluidity in both hands comes slowly, but surely, with practice.
Here are a couple of good articles on practicing....
See you next week.
Read over page 36 about intervals, try practicing naming the intervals on page 37.
Now.... work on the notes in While Strolling Through the Park and the chords. Then the triplet strum that we use in measures 12 and 16. I have put a couple of videos on the resources page that will help to learn it. Also, there are lots of sharps and flats in this song. They make it interesting but you may need to focus on working certain parts to get them (and listen to the recording). Remember that the song is in the Key of G, when makes all F's sharp, unless they are marked otherwise.
Just like using a flat pick, learning the triplet strum will help you with every other part of your ukulele playing. Using your fingers and hands, developing dexterity, co-ordination and fluidity in both hands comes slowly, but surely, with practice.
Here are a couple of good articles on practicing....
See you next week.