I can see improvement with the barre chords. Keep up the practice and use the two songs we played today for that:
Three Little Birds (in the Daily Ukulele) uses barre chords to dampen the strings and create the reggae rhythm. You really can't get this strum without dampening and the easiest way to do that is with your left hand.
Whenever you release the pressure on the strings (chords) the sound stops. That is what I mean by dampening. So... right after the down-up on beat 2, and the down on beat 4, release your grip on the chord and the sound will stop. There is no strum on beats 1 and 3
The strum is:
rest down up rest down,
1 2 3 4
The other song we practiced is below. The Garden Song. These chord changes come pretty fast so slow the tune down until you can make them. Also try picking the melody.
I WILL CONTINUE THIS SKILLS WORKSHOP through April and May if I have interest. There is another option, too. I have a Book 2 class that will start an 8 week session on April 15 and go through June 4. We are about 60% through Book 2 and I plan to finish by June. You can join this class as an alternative to the skills workshop (or in addition to). This class will meet on Tuesdays at 6:30. It is a very good and lively class and I have supplement a great deal of the material to the James Hill Books in this class. Let me know if you are interested in this class. The cost is $100.00 for the
Three Little Birds (in the Daily Ukulele) uses barre chords to dampen the strings and create the reggae rhythm. You really can't get this strum without dampening and the easiest way to do that is with your left hand.
Whenever you release the pressure on the strings (chords) the sound stops. That is what I mean by dampening. So... right after the down-up on beat 2, and the down on beat 4, release your grip on the chord and the sound will stop. There is no strum on beats 1 and 3
The strum is:
rest down up rest down,
1 2 3 4
The other song we practiced is below. The Garden Song. These chord changes come pretty fast so slow the tune down until you can make them. Also try picking the melody.
I WILL CONTINUE THIS SKILLS WORKSHOP through April and May if I have interest. There is another option, too. I have a Book 2 class that will start an 8 week session on April 15 and go through June 4. We are about 60% through Book 2 and I plan to finish by June. You can join this class as an alternative to the skills workshop (or in addition to). This class will meet on Tuesdays at 6:30. It is a very good and lively class and I have supplement a great deal of the material to the James Hill Books in this class. Let me know if you are interested in this class. The cost is $100.00 for the
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