Try another Reggae song using the strum we worked on last week. Remember The Middle? You can also use your closed chord shapes for this song.
Just Strum and sing Singing the Blues - Have fun
Try the finger picking pattern below with The Garden Song
A __________________________________X__________ ring finger
E_________________________X____________________ middle finger
C________________X_____________________________ pointer finger
G_______X______________________________________ thumb
Here is Richard Mytling's website for SUE with lots of music charts on it.
Just Strum and sing Singing the Blues - Have fun
Try the finger picking pattern below with The Garden Song
A __________________________________X__________ ring finger
E_________________________X____________________ middle finger
C________________X_____________________________ pointer finger
G_______X______________________________________ thumb
Here is Richard Mytling's website for SUE with lots of music charts on it.

the_middle-pg1.jpg |

singin_the_blues.jpeg |