Super Ukers:
Blues Stay Away from Me demonstrated the 12-bar blues pattern. That and All My Loving are songs to add to your repertoire if you like them. We won’t play them again in class.
We practiced The Theme from Abdelzer which has gotten pretty good. We won’t be doing that piece again. It is a challenge, but feel free to continue practicing this piece and any other that you want to perfect.
There was not enough time for In the Hall of the Mountain King so we’ll try it briefly next week.
Jingle Bells sounds great – you should practice each part. Again, we will be joining the other class to play it at the December BUG meeting. Next week parts will be assigned when we know who plans to be at that jam. You can let me know then if you plan to be there. In the meantime, practice all these easy, peasy parts.
Woolly Boogie is an easy piece; just don’t let the notation intimidate you. It’s a perfect piece to memorize as it is just a series of chromatic scales. Played in a slow, syncopated style, it will really sound impressive to your friends and family.
For homework, practice the March from the Anna Magdalena Notebook (Book 3, p. 42) using a pick. This familiar piece is played in March tempo – start slowly until you get the fingering and then see if you can speed it up. Don’t, however, play it any faster than it can be played correctly.
Please refer to the link to Michael Gonzalez’ website for a list of what he intends to tech at the November 16 Blues Workshop and a list of chords (you know them all!) that will be featured.
See you Saturday if you’re at the Blues Workshop..
Blues Stay Away from Me demonstrated the 12-bar blues pattern. That and All My Loving are songs to add to your repertoire if you like them. We won’t play them again in class.
We practiced The Theme from Abdelzer which has gotten pretty good. We won’t be doing that piece again. It is a challenge, but feel free to continue practicing this piece and any other that you want to perfect.
There was not enough time for In the Hall of the Mountain King so we’ll try it briefly next week.
Jingle Bells sounds great – you should practice each part. Again, we will be joining the other class to play it at the December BUG meeting. Next week parts will be assigned when we know who plans to be at that jam. You can let me know then if you plan to be there. In the meantime, practice all these easy, peasy parts.
Woolly Boogie is an easy piece; just don’t let the notation intimidate you. It’s a perfect piece to memorize as it is just a series of chromatic scales. Played in a slow, syncopated style, it will really sound impressive to your friends and family.
For homework, practice the March from the Anna Magdalena Notebook (Book 3, p. 42) using a pick. This familiar piece is played in March tempo – start slowly until you get the fingering and then see if you can speed it up. Don’t, however, play it any faster than it can be played correctly.
Please refer to the link to Michael Gonzalez’ website for a list of what he intends to tech at the November 16 Blues Workshop and a list of chords (you know them all!) that will be featured.
See you Saturday if you’re at the Blues Workshop..