It is well known that music is a great emotional memory stimulator. If you are like me, playing the songs of Bob Dylan sends me right back to the 60's and 70's, my youth, the Vietnam war, Joan Baez and Peter, Paul and Mary, a time of great idealism (perhaps just because I was young). I am glad to now have the opportunity to appreciate the genius and timelessness of Bob Dylan's work as an adult, living in a new century where many things have changes, and many things have not.
Below are the songs we played in our impromptu Bob Dylan session along with some of my suggestions:
Blowin in the Wind - consider using this strum: Down, down-up, down-up, down
1 2 & 3 & 4
The Times They Are A'Changin' -3/4 time try this one: Down, down-up, down
with emphasis on the 2nd be 1 2 & 3
You Ain't Goin Nowhere… strum Down, down, down-up, down-up
1 2 3 & 4 &
Tomorrow is a Long Time: Slow and bluesy, Whimpy Strong
Don't Think Twice, It's Allright: Consider finger picking #1 (patterns below) while make chords
My Tamborine Man - finger picking #2
T= thumb, 1 = first finger, 2 = second finger
#1 #2 2
T 1 T 2 T T T 2 T 2
l--------------------------x--- l-------------x----------------------------------x--------
l-----------x------------------ l-------------------------------x--------------------------
l-------------------x---------- l-------------x-------------------------x-----------------
l---x-------------------------- l----x----------------x-----------------------------------
Let's play these Boots Are Made For Walking next week to warm-up.
We'll also play My Girl and then move on to work on "Tequila".
In preparation, you can practice the notes as written on the cheat sheet I handed out in class and I have made a recording of the riff and put it below.
Also practice the two chords we talked about for Tequila; both use the same shape (Recording below).
Below are the songs we played in our impromptu Bob Dylan session along with some of my suggestions:
Blowin in the Wind - consider using this strum: Down, down-up, down-up, down
1 2 & 3 & 4
The Times They Are A'Changin' -3/4 time try this one: Down, down-up, down
with emphasis on the 2nd be 1 2 & 3
You Ain't Goin Nowhere… strum Down, down, down-up, down-up
1 2 3 & 4 &
Tomorrow is a Long Time: Slow and bluesy, Whimpy Strong
Don't Think Twice, It's Allright: Consider finger picking #1 (patterns below) while make chords
My Tamborine Man - finger picking #2
T= thumb, 1 = first finger, 2 = second finger
#1 #2 2
T 1 T 2 T T T 2 T 2
l--------------------------x--- l-------------x----------------------------------x--------
l-----------x------------------ l-------------------------------x--------------------------
l-------------------x---------- l-------------x-------------------------x-----------------
l---x-------------------------- l----x----------------x-----------------------------------
Let's play these Boots Are Made For Walking next week to warm-up.
We'll also play My Girl and then move on to work on "Tequila".
In preparation, you can practice the notes as written on the cheat sheet I handed out in class and I have made a recording of the riff and put it below.
Also practice the two chords we talked about for Tequila; both use the same shape (Recording below).