Very impressive playing on Rondeau - We will warm up with this next week. As you practice this piece, pay attention to the dynamics markings (f = loud, P= soft) and remember to play "brightly" as indicated.
A Mountain High-top really scooted right along. We will also play this piece again next week. It's lots of fun and "spirited".
We also will play Drink to Me Only with Thine Eyes- remember that this piece is meant to be slow and lyrical. Work towards long full notes that touch each other. That is, the sound continues until the next note is plucked.
I bought a book of music quotes at the craft fair last week-end:
Music Washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life -
A Mountain High-top really scooted right along. We will also play this piece again next week. It's lots of fun and "spirited".
We also will play Drink to Me Only with Thine Eyes- remember that this piece is meant to be slow and lyrical. Work towards long full notes that touch each other. That is, the sound continues until the next note is plucked.
I bought a book of music quotes at the craft fair last week-end:
Music Washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life -