I used to have a yoga teacher that ending every session with that phrase "Be Thankful for your many blessings in life. It made aware of how good my life is every time she said it. So, be thankful for your family, friends, your music, your health…………..your many blessings, whatever they are.
Your tremelo flatpicking Blue Monday was impressive, especially as we got faster and faster. Keep working on that for future songs.
We worked on Transposing the C scale but I think the way it is presented in this book is rather confusing. I will have to think of another way to approach it in the Spring session. However, the lesson on Transposing the I and V chords is very useful and easy to understand.
For next week:
We will warm up with Blue Monday
Then we will play Jeu Jeu (pg 58) with 16th note tremelo. when you start practicing this, play it very slowly so that you get the tremolo even and steady. 1 quarter note = 4, 16th notes.
Also practice Nu'a O Ka Palai.
Elenke sounds good. Pat will come and play chords with us next week.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with friends and family.
Your tremelo flatpicking Blue Monday was impressive, especially as we got faster and faster. Keep working on that for future songs.
We worked on Transposing the C scale but I think the way it is presented in this book is rather confusing. I will have to think of another way to approach it in the Spring session. However, the lesson on Transposing the I and V chords is very useful and easy to understand.
For next week:
We will warm up with Blue Monday
Then we will play Jeu Jeu (pg 58) with 16th note tremelo. when you start practicing this, play it very slowly so that you get the tremolo even and steady. 1 quarter note = 4, 16th notes.
Also practice Nu'a O Ka Palai.
Elenke sounds good. Pat will come and play chords with us next week.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with friends and family.