We are expanding our options by moving into a new key - Bb. This week practice the new chord shapes that are on page 34. Use the exercises on that pg and Bill Grogan's goat, and Little Brown Jug to practice playing these new chords. Remember that you have the option of making all 3 chords closed. Just add the Bb on the G string to the Eb chord, and add the C on the A string to the F7 chords. Attached below
Next Week we'll warm up with Bill Grogan's Goat and we will also play Little Brown Jug. Notice! All of the E's are flat in Little Brown Jug because it is in the key of Bb. E flat is found on the 3rd fret of the C string. I may want to highlight the Eb's because it is hard to remember the change at first.
We will also begin working on The Chromatic Scale (pg 40)and related songs but there is not preparation required of you for that.
BUG Jam is the Saturday (April 4).
The 3rd annual Bellingham Ukulele Concert will be May 29 at WCC Heiner Theater. Ticket will be available soon. Put it on your calendars!
Also - I am going to be offering a new class for 4 weeks on Tuesday evening - Playing by Ear. If you know of anyone who is interested, please let me know.
4 week class - Playing by Ear.
This will be an entirely paperless class. We will be learning how to listen for the chord changes, some common chord progressions, how to know what chords fit in a key, playing a variety of keys, and some strums. No music stands required!
This is not a beginning class. You need know these chords well and be comfortable changing chords.
A, A7, Am, Bb, B7, C, C7, D, D7, Dm, E7, Em, F, F7, G, G7,
Class will meet Tuesdays Apr 14, 21, 28 and May 5. 7:00 - 8:30.
Cost $50.00 for the 4 weeks. Max 20 people